Monday Monday (sing this it sounds better when you sing it)

1. Get Moving: I burned 1,490 calories. I walked 5 miles today.

2. Cutting Calories (goal 1,700): I consumed 1,487 calories today

3. Increase Water intake: I drank 32 oz of water

Please excuse the long title it was the first thing that came to mind as I sat down to type.  This weekend I got really lucky and ended up not having to work on Sunday so I got to stay with my sister and her family which was really nice.  I’m happy that I got to spend the night instead of turning around right away to go home I got to spend time with the kids and enjoy the weather with a nice walk.  Today was a good day other than nearly being late for work.  At the end of last week I went to work at 7:30A instead of 7A so I could cut overtime so this morning I didn’t want to get out of bed so I sat and watched the clock until 6:50A telling myself that I would get up at 7A only to realize that I worked at 7A.  I jumped out of bed and ended up still making it to work on time, but I cut it really close.  Other than that it was a great day.  I got a lot done at work and tomorrow I’m going to be doing some training at another site and on Wednesday I’m teaching a class which is always a good time.  I should also find out this week about the job I interviewed for last week.  The longer it takes the more anxious I get, they said they had a couple of interviews this week so I don’t expect to hear any sooner than Wednesday. I feel confident in my ability to handle this job and I just hope that they see that too.  All the walking has really helped with keeping the anxiety at bay which only motivates me to keep walking.  🙂

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