Day 374 (11.19.14) Weigh in Wednesday

  1. Get moving: I burned no calories exercising
  2. Cutting Calories(Goal 1,720): I consumed 1,469 calories.
  3. Saving money/Donations ($5,000)$1,473

So, I weighed in and it was bad, I gained 5 pounds this week.  It still blows me away how easy it is go gain weight and how hard it is to lose it! I will not be discouraged, it took me all day and a lot of self hatred to come to that conclusion but I have decided I will not be discouraged, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!  My sister told me how to fix my problem months ago and I just haven’t listened, I keep making excuses for why I get to over eat or why I don’t have to work out.  From the beginning I’ve told everyone who has said oh today is a holiday or something that it didn’t matter because I’m an all or nothing kind of person.  What that means is that my life is a slippery slope always, it just takes one time for me to stop doing something good for me.  I can’t pin point it exactly although I could probably go back and find it in my blogs but somewhere along the way I stopped caring as much and I let that leak into the rest of my days.  Today is a new slate kind of day, today I start over and everything that came before today doesn’t matter, because if it does that I will never get my footing on this slope back! My little brother has been kicking butt at the gym so I reached out to him and we have started a competition, the wager $5.00, the system amount of minutes worked out in the next week.  The plan is to tell each other how much we work out each day and by next week however puts in the most minutes get $5.00, this competition will evolve as time goes by but we both needed a little extra boost recently.  I have also debated about giving up weigh in Wednesday because weight loss is only a side effect of the goal, but I also like to see progress on the scale so I’ve decided to keep doing it, plus I’m a creature of habit so it would be weird not to.  I’ve been knitting like crazy lately, now that the snow and cold are here everyone wants my knitted goods.  Right now I’m working about a 2 weeks out so if you interested in getting something in the next three weeks or so please let me know asap.





As always to donate to my hike and get your own hand knitted goods go to:

You can always contact me to discuss a project and talk about pricing for something specific.

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